Awaken your spirit with the mana of Kauai
Sacred Wailua
The Wailua area has many of the most sacred portals of light and vibration on the island.
Begin your spiritual journey with a cleansing at the ocean and receive energy transmissions as you tune into these vortex sites ~ Traditional Receiving Place for Kaua’i, Place of Forgiveness, a healing temple and home of a Master Lemurian Healer Stone, Temple of the Sun, Royal Birth Stones, where Kaua’i’s royalty were born, portal where Heaven and earth meet, Lemurian Temple of Light, concluding with a simple releasing ceremony at Sunset. This half-day tour begins in Kapa’a.
1/2 day south shore
An initiation journey of pure Divine Light portals for activation and spiritual expansion.
Begin your spiritual journey with a cleansing at the ocean, then receive blessings at the Lemurian Altar, a portal of pure Lemurian blueprint codes, Collection of Sacred Stones from many Kaua’i temples, Birthplace of All Creation, a portal to the void of all potentiality, a Lemurian Divine Union Vortex with Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies, the Initiation Portal to stand in your Mastery and have a simple releasing ceremony at Sunset.
1/2 day north shore
A nurturing journey of Goddess and balancing Divine Feminine and Masculine vortex sites.
Begin your spiritual journey with a cleansing at the ocean, Experience the majesty of the Sacred Goddess Mountain where all Souls enter the earth plane, Tibetan Buddhist Monument – Wish Fulfilling Stupa with Buddha Enlightenment Light, Tara Shrine & prayer wheels, Portal of Masculine & Feminine Balance, complete your journey with a simple releasing ceremony at Sunset.
Divine Feminine Retreat
Immerse yourself into these purely feminine sacred sites and attune to your Divine Feminine aspect.
Your journey begins with a cleansing ceremony at the ocean and setting intentions. Visit the Traditional Receiving Place for Kaua’i, receive healing and alignment from a Master Lemurian Healer, Lemurian Temple of Light, Ancient mystery school for teaching women’s business, Goddess Mountain where all Souls enter the earth plane, portal of Masculine/Feminine Balance, complete with a Sunset Releasing Ceremony.